When playing at 888casino, you can use a few different strategies to optimize your gameplay, make the best use of your bankroll, and mitigate your losses to increase your chances of winning.

  • Spend more time playing high RTP games: The return-to-player (RTP) rate tells you how much a game is expected to pay out to a player over time, meaning how much you’re likely to walk away with compared to the amount of money you spend playing. These games are often totally reliant on random number generation (RNG), meaning you have no control over the outcome. To make up for that, they tend to pay out more often, whether that’s big or small amounts. So increase your chances of walking away with money by playing high RTP games like slots, including Outback Walkabout (97.04%).

  • Get more control of the outcome by playing skill- and choice-based games: Skill-based games like poker and video poker require you to use strategy to overcome the other players or computer in addition to the random chance. Choice-based games, like roulette, let you use your luck to wager on selections you think will hit. Both kinds of games give you more control over the outcome, which can increase your chances of winning.

  • Have more chances to win by making smaller wagers: Spread your bankroll over more plays as opposed to making a few big wagers. While those big wagers can payoff, you also go through your money faster, especially if you’re not on a winning streak. By making smaller wagers over more plays means you have more chances of winning, even if it’s as big a win as you would having wagered a lot more.

  • Set a loss limit: Know how much you can afford to lose, and either put that amount in your bankroll or stop once you’ve hit that number in a session. Doing this can help prevent you from chasing down a losing streak and wasting money you might otherwise use in another session for more chances to win.

  • Use 888casino’s free play and bonus opportunities: 888casino has a daily free play offer and even has bonus spins for a variety of other games. Use these opportunities to play on the casino’s dime. You have nothing to lose, and it gives you more play, translating to more chances to win. Check the little present icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen each day to see what small bonus 888casino is giving you that day.